Tell me all about it, dear...

artgnome - 2012-04-15 15:11:59
My pastor, Dorothy, has a full collection of different kinds of glasses, all artsy and interesting. I'm glad all is well and cleaned up finished for you! :)
terri t - 2012-04-15 18:33:10
I would LOVE to have a collection of eyeglasses. I still want red ones like Sally Jessie Raphael had...back in the day. I had glasses with the magnentic sunlenses....loved them so much Hope you soon post a photo of the new glasses AND your new hair color...Yes I did ask again!
Amy - 2012-04-18 15:33:04
I know I have your support and I appreciate every bit of it. I hope you know that I support you in all your endeavors, as well.
poundheadhere - 2012-04-18 16:38:48
Isn't it an awesome feeling to know things are done??? And don't sweat that things are going "too well". I used to do that too, until I realized that prophecies like that can become self fulfilling

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