Tell me all about it, dear...

stepfordtart - 2011-03-15 22:55:37
The life of a Wife of a Conspiracy Theorist is a tough one. *smiles ruefully* s x
beanie - 2011-03-16 00:32:20
"they" only tell us what they want us to know... only one of the reasons I don't watch any televised news shows. And when I was a lowly, brand new xray student, I remember the oncologist using the cobalt therapy unit to "cure" plantars warts for students and techs for free. Not sure what all that "free" radiation did for any of them. Today he would be fired for negligence for doing that!
anabels - 2011-03-16 05:10:03
From what I can work out from my limited access into the specialist sources, we are getting pretty straight stuff here. The truth being that they really do not know what the sh** is going on in there because half the systems that should tell them got knocked out. I admire the staff at the plant who are risking their long term health to try and contain it (last reliable source I saw said 400 millisiverts which is definitely in the range that causes cancer). Especially as they probably have wet match sticks for a house and will have lost loved ones. But yep, not much I can do, give to a reputable charity, be sceptical about the news and just get on with things! Hope St Paddy's Day dinner goes well! Hugs Bels
dichroic - 2011-03-16 06:46:35
Given the mention of strontium, I'm guessing you read Grouse today or I'd send you over there. Scary, but I think it's still affecting only a fairly small local area (says the girl who grew up within a hundred miles of Three Mile Island and well remembers that night).
Stephanie - 2011-03-16 14:02:09
I love that song, and I so agree with your point of view in this entry!

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