Tell me all about it, dear...

Terri T. - 2012-07-14 19:25:58
I'm sure this has already crossed your mind but do you suppose MIL is having her own mental issues increased by taking care of FIL? She's become so rude and unfeeling about her comments since the big inappropriateness back a few months. I think you are grand to offer the use of your home and to even make them a lunch with entertainment while you are at the shore. I hope she can at the very least say Thank You.
Stephanie - 2012-07-14 23:05:48
I can't believe MIL had such a rude response to your invitation! How DARE she?? FUME.
Amy - 2012-07-14 23:47:36
I read the first paragraph and thought, "Thank God for Mick! I'm so glad he's being sensible about this!" Only a sick and twisted sociopath (like your ex) would insist that you give up the beach to spend the day waiting on someone who has treated you so unjustly. Even if MIL were a saint, there's no reason for you to feel guilty about wanting your day at the beach. It feeds your soul! Your soul is allowed to have the occasional small snack to keep it going. Who knows why MIL acts the way she does? I think all that matters is that you've already spent way too much time killing yourself to make peace with people that won't accept peace. It's time to give yourself a break, be nice to people who can reciprocate, and do things that make you happy. Much Love.

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