Tell me all about it, dear...

purple chai - 2008-09-16 01:34:49
This is absolutely freaking brilliant. I want to send it to everyone I know. Is there some way I can credit you if I do? (Or if you prefer it not shared, or shared anonymously, also fine.) Everyone in the country who thinks that idiot has "a great story" needs to read this.
ladybug-red - 2008-09-16 02:16:17
Amen sister!
Poolie - 2008-09-16 05:35:34
Unless we all go back to being survivalists. Then it would be fine, eh? Brilliant entry!
Stephanie - 2008-09-16 09:10:35
Ain't that the truth...
Jenn - 2008-09-16 12:44:14
Umm, LA? The reason McCain can't use a computer is because his hands don't work after all the torture in the POW camp. He can't raise his arms to comb his hair either. Just thought you should know. I'm not drinking either side's Kool-aid at this point but I have friends who are vets and I do respect their service. Big hug-J
Sheesh - 2008-09-16 13:03:59
Can he bring a fork to his lips? Shake hands on the campaign trail? Sign his name? Then he can point and click or hunt and peck.
Bozoette Mary - 2008-09-16 13:20:37
Wonderful post!! I keep telling people that I want my president and vice-president to be smarter than I am. Really, is that so much to ask?
bathtubmary - 2008-09-16 14:27:51
sing it! i am disheartened and horrified by the anti-intellectual thing that's going on. sometimes i feel like i've been dropped in the middle of a twilight zone episode. xoxo, d
red-wine - 2008-09-16 17:48:48
I may have to steal that. Cited, of course!
Terri T. - 2008-09-16 18:58:23
What I want are some really honest people....there must be some who would be willing to run our country for the people's best interests here and abroad... Some body has to start taking care of the lower and middle class or what's left of it....we can't continue to finance all the world's needs and not take care of our own. Even in my area, the mayor expects the citizens to keep paying more in taxes and is cutting services in a frightening way....
Pam L - 2008-09-16 19:55:18 I missed this on TV-although I pegged Tina Fey for this from the second I saw Palin's pciture.
Jim - 2008-09-16 21:41:38
What Jenn said is true. Actually, McCain's 2000 campaign was considered to be ground-breaking in its use of the Internet and most modern campaigns since then have built upon that. McCain usually depends on staff and family to work a keyboard and mouse for him. Yes, as "Sheesh" so pleasantly said, he could point and click but it causes a lot of pain. The point about this is that although McCain does not make a public point about this, the problem he has with his hands is well known in Washington and should be well known by Obama and if Obama's campaign staff has minimal competency they should have easily been able to find this out. Thus, when they run ads mocking him for this, one of two things must be true -- either (1) Obama and staff are too incompetent to know generally known information about McCain or (2) they are deliberately being cruel and mocking to an injured veteran (and, by the way, also telling lies about him). Either way, this kind of crap is really giving me second thoughts about my earlier support for Obama.
boxx - 2008-09-16 23:16:22
BRILLIANT ENTRY. BRAVO. Everyone wants a candidtae that is SMARTER than themseleves. That's the REALLY scary part. The intelligence bar is just a LOT lower for some people. There's no arguing with them. There's no talking sense to them either. It's just a very scary time in our U.S. History.
charla - 2008-09-17 02:48:40
May I please post this (with attribution) on a west seattle blog political forum?
Doghigh - 2008-09-17 19:45:16
Perfectly stated!! Brava!

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