Tell me all about it, dear...

Stephanie - 2007-04-09 06:48:44
Wow. Just wow. I'm thrilled for both of you!
Edbighead - 2007-04-09 07:16:04
Betty told me that at Threetacon during her reading with you she told you that I loved her so deeply and completely that it was scary. You replied "Why can't I have that?" Well, now you do. Isn't it wonderfull how the right person changes your entire life.
Bozoette Mary - 2007-04-09 08:40:11
Welcome to the light, love.
colz - 2007-04-09 08:53:16
I know what it is to be have someone care for you in what seems to be the mundane ways is so amazing. When I tell Steve how sweet it is to do thus and such, his answer is "well of course. I'm your husband. I want to do this for you". I'm so glad you are finding happiness!!
Melissa - 2007-04-09 10:40:17
Oh, sweetheart. You know where I came from, and now you know where I have gone. Love you. So glad for you. (And as for examining the past, I try not to think about time wasted, too. I do like to think, however, that I am a more compassionate person for knowing how bad it can be. I like to focus on what I hope I've gained, rather than what I've probably lost).
sdg - 2007-04-09 11:07:26
Diane - 2007-04-09 11:47:04
I am so happy for you!. I know that it seems a little soon and sudden but I believe that the universe gives you what you are ready for. In my case I wasn't ready for almost THREE years! I'm happy that didn't happen to you. You deserved this years ago. I think its been waiting for you and fate and karma couldn't wait to give it to you. You SO deserve this!
saschie07 - 2007-04-09 12:26:19
so cute, so adorable. YAY YAY YAY
liz - 2007-04-09 12:46:40
This is so great. So great. And you know, I think everything we go through in our lives shapes us into the person we become. Some are damaged and crushed by bad experiences, others are polished like a beautiful gem. Like you said, just don't dwell on it.
terri - 2007-04-09 15:09:45
sometimes very special things happen to extremely special people...looks like it is your turn at last...enjoy!!
Wyndspirit - 2007-04-09 20:05:49
You are deserving of good things. I'm glad you're finally getting them. Enjoy! You deserve it.
stepfordme - 2007-04-10 08:33:24
Wow totaly glad for you girlfriend! LOVE that song btw.......... too cool LA! Too fuckiung cool about you & M, sweet.
stepfordme - 2007-04-10 08:33:38
Wow totally glad for you girlfriend! LOVE that song btw.......... too cool LA! Too fuckiung cool about you & M, sweet.
BettyBigHead - 2007-04-10 08:37:19
LA, I have been trying to catch up on your life this morning, I wish you'd remind us of how you met Mick. He looks strangely familiar...broad shoulders, grey goatee, 47, a hopeless romantic who makes his woman feel like the pretty, pretty princess she is. I wish Ed and I lived close enough to invite you to dinner. If you have a hankerin' to come to the Derby give us a call.
stepfordme - 2007-04-10 08:39:23
Gawd I cant type. Delete my error filled messages please! LOL.

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