Tell me all about it, dear...

kelly - 2014-10-15 17:41:50
The thing is with these aspie kids, or as I call them,'indulged brats' is that the parents are scared to say no and hand out a little punishment now and again. I am not meaning corporal punishment, but just teaching respect for others. I guess you'll say that's garbage, but let's face facts, liberal parents raise spoiled kids! Do you think these type of kids existed in the 30's or 40's? I think not!don't be afraid of your kids reactions, teach them the meaning of 'no'!
Amy - 2014-10-15 18:11:16
I'm so glad that a show like this exists. I don't know anything about it, except what you've mentioned here, but it makes me happy to know that there are shows that address things like living with mental illness. It can be such a lonely feeling when people who know nothing about it pass judgement on the behavior of others.
LA - 2014-10-15 18:34:57
Guess Steinbeck was projecting into the future when he wrote about Lennie in 'Of Mice and Men' or of Frankie in 'Cannery Row'. Both of them good people who just didn't get the rules of society though they tried so very hard. Einstein was an Aspie, the smartest man in the world could NOT figure out how to drive a car. But, of course, autism was recently invented by lazy liberal parents. Boo Radley had hard ass conservative parents which fixed him right up! Correct? Boo became a lawyer and had 10 kids and lived happily ever after. Thank God for discipline. ~LA
LA - 2014-10-15 19:17:40
Kelly, I'd be very interested in learning about those non-corporal punishments that work so well! Enlighten us, please? Because "No!", the naughty chair, putting him in his room, letting him cry it out and ignoring his tantrums, 'a good stern speaking to', removing all toys for days, weeks, etc, physically hauling him out of places immediately leaving behind full shopping carts, uneaten meals, unwatched movies, holiday celebrations, concerts, zoos, amusement parks and repeatedly telling him (over the screams, sobs, cursing, and "I hate you!") that this was the consequence of his own disruptive/dangerous behavior, and never once giving in and maintaining the rules implacably despite the stares and sneers from kind passersby like you, being threatened with Child Protective Services because I was 'being cruel', 1,000's of hours logged in for behavioral therapies, counseling, OT, PT, speech, all of that lazy, lazy shit barely made a dent. Your magic formula would be awesome! Of course Wolf is now on the merit roll at public school, maintaining an A average at culinary school and has an unblemished discipline record. He's polite, engaged, mannerly, and kind, but all of that is probably an accident and not at all due to the hard work on his part and mine. Your magic technique would have been really helpful when he was almost 5 and still not potty trained or when he couldn't make eye contact or follow a conversation or respond to questions, when he didn't understand facial expressions and was confused and frightened all the time. I'm very excited to hear your solution! It's too late for Wolf, but surely with your guidance I'll be able to go forth and straighten out other lazy jerks and their brats. Looking forward to hearing from you! ~LA
kelly - 2014-10-15 20:41:24
Well, you seem to have answered your own question there, don't you? You withdrew him from the situation time and again until he finally got the message that his tantrums got him nowhere! Hats off to you for your perserverance! With regard to your fictional characters, as they don't actually exist outside of the authors/readers heads, I'm afraid that is a moot point. Good for you for trying though. As Einstein would have been in his 50's around the time cars became popular in the USA, it's not so unreasonable to assume he didn't feel the need to drive. Possibly he had better things on his mind! If you reply to this, please try to use full stops a little more. Your second missive contains possibly the longest sentence known to man. Punctuation is our friend!
LA - 2014-10-15 22:36:48
Fuck. You. Succinct enough? ~LA
GBW - 2014-10-15 22:55:32
Hey, Kelly, How many Apsie kids do you know personally? How many have you parented or babysat for an extended period? Unless you have some first hand experience I suggest you get the fuck off LA's page and play with the regular kids who your methods might work with. Being a Troll is a symptom of a wasted life... go look around your own world and deal with reality before you try to be the boss of things you have no clue about. I have the experience and I have first hand knowledge of the people you are so freely criticizing - go play on Facebook where your anonymity grants you permission to bully freely. This page is not a place to dump your uninformed opinions
Hi, - 2014-10-18 04:23:19
What's with the venom, Kelly? All that spite is going to be reflected right back at you. Anyways, all this reminds me of my dad. He s Does everything as a sort of choreographed dance, right down to wiping between his toes with his sock before bed, each toe, the same way, every. Single. Time. Never diagnosed with anything.
Terri T - 2014-10-18 18:38:44
Love how people who probably have had absolutely no experience with something think they know it for "indulged brats" ~ I guess Kelly knows all about that....

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