Tell me all about it, dear...

Amy - 2012-09-11 21:18:44
If there's one thing that I've learned since I stopped working full-time is that the flip side, saving money, is also a job. With the right planning and effort, a person can save a part-time job's amount of money. It's about being efficient and creative, rather than merely throwing money at any given problem. Maybe the value of being able to run an efficient, tidy, happy household is no longer understood and appreciated these days, which is unfortunate. A solid home life provided by an attentive parent is exactly what produces strong, independent and successful people. Since this is your job, of course when your family is around, you feel like you're on the clock. It's an issue. I hope whatever good news your anticipating comes soon!
gbw - 2012-09-11 21:41:31
Hey lady, I hope the thing works out and I totally get the on thing.... would love to do coffee or lunch soon
Stephanie - 2012-09-11 23:28:36
Let's hear it for sweet sleep and hopeful news!
Terri T - 2012-09-12 18:39:58
Exactly how I felt when I was a stay at home mom for about 5 years. I always wanted everything right. Then when I went back to work; it was still my goal to be the best mom and wife....Now that it is just the two of us, I still try to save the money and make-do and so on. But I admit, wanting to be ME and doing things for just ME are tempting....And sometimes...just sometimes...I may be a bit selfish.....LOL

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