Tell me all about it, dear...

Stephanie - 2011-07-02 15:44:46
I have an Albany music story, too, although it was in the eighties, not the seventies. One night, my friends and I ended up in the apartment of some guys we met in a nightclub. (I know - not cool, but they turned out to be nice guys, thank goodness). They were playing Peter Gabriel's German album, and I fell in love with it. Whenever I play that album, I am transported back to that night in Albany.
poundheadhere - 2011-07-03 21:23:49
I remember 70's music. Didn't have an alcoholic mom, just a religious fanatic one whose answer to everything - and I do mean EVERYTHING - was that it was a sin. While I didn't exactly parent my parents when I was 11, I was expected to be an adult by the time I was 6. I didn't outgrow the neuroses from that until... well, I'll let you know when I do, k? The only real 70's music memories I have were Tony Orlando & Dawn's "Tie a yellow ribbon". I'd hear that on my transistor radio while eating lunch with my long-time crush, lol.

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