Tell me all about it, dear...

Pam L - 2010-01-16 20:01:01
I have not been out to a gym in years so I have not seen this odd phenomena of behavior and dress. Years ago I went to a women only gym and everyone worked pretty hard on the machines, did the aerobics classes etc. We were literally pooped when we left. With all the workout gear I see in the stores still being mostly black, blue, grey with some color added for the ladies, lime green, turqouis etc. comfortable actual workout clothes, why would anyone go out of their way to look like clowns? Weird. And how functional can a kilt or a cut of dress shirt really be. I thought you were kidding.
typewriter - 2010-01-16 20:43:41
I don't suppose you could sneak a cameraphone in there, could you? Would love to see pix. No idea what they wear at the gym out here because I don't go, but I do see women wearing coordinated workout clothes at the grocery store. Maybe that's what it's for?
Prolifique - 2010-01-16 21:53:00
Ours is a Planet Fitness too, so I can at least concur on the Peacock and Imaginary workouts there. A lot of folks do wear coordinated outfits at our place, though. Me, I wear whatever I can move around in without flashing anyone!
beanie - 2010-01-17 03:27:48
Ahhh we have the kilt guy coming into the Depot to buy building materials, only he wears work boots with his tube socks. Maybe he moved, now that I think of it, I haven't seen him in a while...
anabels - 2010-01-17 04:13:09
You must have the mirror image of the gym where I work out where people wear head to toe coordinated gear (plus make up for a lot of the chicks). Tho here it seems to be the girls who don't do anything but sit on the machines. They also read on the bikes and go so slowly they are bearly moving. They are also the loudest complainers about how they aren't getting any results! Though I shouldn't be too rude I currently cause blockages on teh steps coz I have to do them toddler style. Hope you feel ok tomorrow! Hugs the normallly not colour coordinated beetroot!
gbw - 2010-01-17 13:51:24
Sounds like an interesting crowd. Could you ID the guys clan by his plaid? Perhaps he had a broadsword in his locker that he uses as a workout aid... man, I would love to see that!
cccerberus - 2010-01-17 15:33:45
Tres amusant!Gyms are like bars, the human jungle, personified.
Poolie - 2010-01-18 00:04:51
"transvestite hobo." One doesn't usually put those two words together. Huzzah for such creativity! You crack my shit up, lady!
terri t - 2010-01-18 21:03:10
oh, I just remembered why I don't go work out least when I was a regular; it was women only and I liked it that way. Now the same place has coed and you are's a social scene at best. I remember my joy in wearing the outfits like Jane Fonda made famous in her day....loved the little leggings that matched the leotard back then....and I looked good too!

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