Tell me all about it, dear...

WifeMotherMe - 2004-01-27 17:09:48
I have this entry on my diary as one the best entries ever written in all of dairyland. Every now and then I go back and reread the best of the best, often hoping to spark my own interest in writing. I think over the last year or so I have read this entry more than 100 times and 100 times it has made me cry. I want to tell you want a great piece this is, how powerful and touching, but I cant ever seem to find words big enough or eloquent enough. I'm sure that sometime in the future I will be back to read this again and maybe by then I will have expanded my vocabulary enough to tell you how great this entry is.
WifeMotherMe - 2006-09-14 10:55:31
I came back. I came back as I have for the last 4 anniversaries of 9/11. Every single year I open DL with the best of intentions to write something on the subject, only to stop and come here, remembering this entry. 4 more years worth of writings on the subject, 4 more years worth of television specials and 4 more years of personal stories, still none move me like this one. So I never write because you wrote, and I have nothing more profound to add.

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