Tell me all about it, dear...

Amy - 2014-09-26 18:47:57
Well, I agree that a modeling job says little about the woman inside, but it's still a skill. Modeling is one of the very few careers where women are paid significantly higher than men. Because of that, the patriarchy insists that we all believe that it does not require any talent, ability or thought. Modeling is another place where survival skills are paramount. Although most people don't recognize that, I do.

Good for Wolf! It makes me so happy to see a boy being raised a feminist. The other day, I was watching a debate on a friends FB status, and one of the posters was my age (or younger), but his argument was entirely based upon the assumption that women don't deserve respect or even basic human rights. It reminded me how lucky I am to have a partner who is a feminist. Someday, Wolf is going to make his partner feel as lucky.

Also, if I were omni, I would TOTALLY bang down your door for your recipes. I would have banged down your door for you writing, but I thought that it would be rude. It was my assumption that you preferred to keep your serious work and your blog life separate, but I've been crazy curious to see your "real" writing for years.
Terri T - 2014-10-06 19:11:08
Give yourself some credit for being asked to model. Most of us can't do that either not to mention the cooking and fixing things that you manage to do along with the cleverness of your thoughts. I admire you ~ So There~! I've been trying to change my eating habits and have lost 14 lbs since June...still working at it.
Hil - 2014-10-07 21:50:52
Bullshit! It's not "all you are" is a model, it's "AND you are!"a model, as well as the dozens of other amazing things you do. Only do the modelling if it is fun. You can be a model, and still be no less the survivor, thinker, joy giver, and advocate that you have built your marvelous self to be! Gosh, you are so mean to yourself some times. Don't be mean to awesome you! Wish I could see you in a fashion show, although I don't think you are supposed to hoot and holler at your friends? It's not a punk show? Is it acceptable to throw your bra up on stage? xoxoxo

And you are?
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