Tell me all about it, dear...

Terri T. - 2014-07-13 18:48:32
Some things just get to you no matter how much time has gone by or where you are in the situation. For me, right now, seeing my friends as couples talking together and laughing and smiling about their future plans It makes me feel very vulnerable and sad. So I "think" I can understand how you feel in some way too.
gbw - 2014-07-13 21:48:16
I felt the same way about MS. MS had taken my mother away from me... the mom who couldn't drive... the times she was in the hospital so we couldn't do whatever... the... on and on and on.... I did a 25 mile bike-a-thon to raise money for MS when I was a teen and I felt like the alien in a bubble because I was one of the few who had first hand experience. My mom hated MS even more than I did.... You have done your best in a shitty situation and so has Wolf. You both deserve peace and happiness at this point but the "THING" is always walking with you... sometimes more so when you are doing OK. Let the others wear their bumper stickers and do the bake sales. - you paid your dues in spades a few years ago when it seemed Wolf would never emerge from the painful place that is autism. That senior portrait wasn't even on the agenda then and it has been done now. You ROCK my friend and so does Wolf!

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