Tell me all about it, dear...

anabels - 2013-12-08 04:42:42
One of my students wears full abaya and najib (face covered with scarf but not burqa). I think of it as a small act of courage every day for her to be true to what she believes.She also manages to do this with grace and tact, so that her living what she believes comes across in no way as judgement on anyone else's life or choice. That everyone should learn the same skill! So sorry that you had to deal with someone so rude not to know that! Also happy that Wolf will get the class ring :) Hugs Bels
Dangerspouse - 2013-12-08 18:06:46
Evil shit like that still does go on, even in the City. Remember the furor and lies and hysteria about the "Ground Zero Mosque"? The woman you had the great misfortune to cross paths with was not an abberation, but part of the seething undercurrent that infests even a heterogeneous megalopolis like NYC.
poundheadhere - 2013-12-09 03:05:53
Your experience was just one more example of how we emulate the enemy in all the worst ways. While we highlight the injustices heaped on women by the Arab world, we do the same thing here.

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