Tell me all about it, dear...

Amy - 2013-11-25 20:07:25
According to Arthur Powells, The Etheric Double, cats are "pre-eminently endowed with pr�na." They seem to have an extra sensitivity to subtle energy that attracts them to certain folks, like your Mandy, and now Mick's Smokey. I think that's why some of them always head straight for the allergic guest (they have a sick sense of humor, too). It's so cool to hear that you guys are planning to travel a lot as soon as you earn your freedom. Good luck!
Amy - 2013-11-25 20:11:12
Oh, and I've found that the best way to get a good cat picture is wait for them to nap in a bright room or in a sunny patch. Turn off the flash, wake them up just enough to look alive, and then start clicking. The flash makes them nervous.
Dichroic - 2013-11-25 23:52:39
Congrats on the new housemate!
Bozoette Mary - 2013-11-26 01:16:18
Sounds like our Little Bits, who marched in and made herself at home. Joe's her boy, but she'll deign to snuggle up with me occasionally. (BTW, for every pic I post, there are about a dozen failed attempts - keep trying!)
Terri T - 2013-11-27 18:29:05
Brings to mind our Siamese, Samurai aka Sam who adored my husband. Of course, as a cat owner, you just always talk for your pet and I was constantly saying..."but I loves ya, Man~" for Sam speaking to my husband. Sam would sleep by me in bed between the headboard and my pillow with his head cupped in my right hand. How I miss him. He got sick 2 years ago and he was only 7 years old.

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