Tell me all about it, dear...

Dangerspouse - 2013-08-25 23:16:33
Have you found that having the fifth burner limits the diameter of the pots you us if you need to use more than three burners at once? I've wondered about that lately as I'm currently trying to convince myself that I need a new stove. LOVE the Pythons! I'm a huge fan of early BBC radio comedies as well, some of which the early Pythons cut their teeth on (John Cleese and G. Chapman were both regulars on "I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again", for instance). And they all credited the brilliant absurdist writing of "The Goon Show" with being a major influence. Nee!
Dangerspouse - 2013-08-26 01:02:28
Man, I would love to get one of those LG's. No gas lines run to our mountain hideaway though, so I'm limited to electric (unless I want to install propane). Thanks for getting back to me so quickly and letting me know about the configuration. Much appreciated. (And glad you liked my wife's handiwork! She told me the readers are getting the most interest, although by a short margin.) :)
Stephanie - 2013-08-28 15:08:38
I have to keep m spoon rest on the counter next to the stove. Thanks for the People Will Talk recommendation. I'll have to try to remember to watch it on streaming Netflix.

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