Tell me all about it, dear...

beanie - 2012-05-16 19:57:51
Wolf is going to be such an awesome man!
Amy - 2012-05-16 20:03:23
I'm glad your Mother's Day went fairly well and that you had a decent time. I think it's definitely a sign of your current times that you can just relax and have a good time, despite everything that happened before. Good for you for letting Wolf in on the truth. That kind of honest teaching will serve him well as an adult.
bathtubmary - 2012-05-16 20:54:23
Just yesterday HR repeated "douchebag" after he heard me say it. Gotta keep that lesson in my back pocket! XO, D
Bozoette Mary - 2012-05-16 22:17:03
Remind me to tell you about the time my douchebag exploded.
terri t - 2012-05-17 21:57:18
Once again, you gave Wolf an honest lesson in using slang terms....I bet he will be challenging all his friends the next time they use that expression. Glad you managed to enjoy your Mother's Day with the inlaws....
poundheadhere - 2012-05-18 05:35:28
Congratulations on a successful mom's day! While mine was considerably less eventful, I also didn't have to circumvent the Thomas Kincaid minefield. Considering he was an alcoholic and a philanderer, I think the ensuing "douchebag" conversation was an appropriate segue ;)

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