Tell me all about it, dear...

terri t - 2012-05-12 21:24:20
It sounds like painting is the relaxation medium for you right now. And if you are dreaming about it; there must be something to it. Good luck with that. I have gotten hooked on Pinterest and can spend hours just looking at the things that attract my spirit....and it doesn't cost a cent either. LOL.
Anna - 2012-05-12 22:55:52
Yay!! I'm starting an acrylics class on Monday for exactly those reasons - wtf am I doing with watercolours - far too hard. xxx
dichroic - 2012-05-14 12:48:11
I'm not entirely convinced about being able to tell when it's done well. Yesterday I watched a TV show in which 4 of their 5 expert bidders were drooling over three paintings that very literally looked to me like something by a kindergartener. (The fifth expert agreed with me!) Not just because they were in primary colors but because they were in primary colors, looked like crayon drawings, had no composition to speak of, shaky lines ... when I say "kindergarten drawings" I mean it very literally, not as an insult. Or at least, only to insult the idea that they were great art worth several thousand. Art used to express yourself, on the other hand, can be priceless.

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