Tell me all about it, dear...

Amy - 2011-10-13 17:21:45
Congratulations to both you and Wolf! Thank you for your encouraging comment. You make a great point, and I had thought about that. It's just that when I hold off on physical activity for too long, I start going batty.
beanie - 2011-10-13 18:28:34
Yay! Wolf will show them who rocks!
terri t - 2011-10-13 18:41:18
I still think you are an exceptional mom....and I believe Wolf is doing well because of you.....which brings me to a question. I'm reading a book which just happens to have a character with Aspergers's syndrome. He is an exceptional artist which the writer states is a common characteristic. So how does Wolf do in the art department? Just interested.
Pam L - 2011-10-14 00:01:20
I know I'd be thrilled if my kid had a 95% in algebra since letters and numbers together never made any sense to me and math is such an exacting study that you can't bs yourself into a better grade as my boys did in say, Eng Comp. Way to go Wolf and Wolf's Mom!
gbw - 2011-10-14 11:21:33
Hip hip hooray!
Jim - 2011-10-14 12:30:39
Yes, three cheers -- no -- make that ninety-five cheers for you and Wolf both.
momonroof - 2011-10-16 15:24:32
Awesome parenting, as per usual!

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