Tell me all about it, dear...

Pam L - 2011-05-20 18:51:28
So what was a troubling and scary day to begin with turned into something good, for everyone. I bet you're even more glad you were there, and for more than one reason.
Pam L - 2011-05-20 18:55:14
ANd what I also meant to say was, after 32 years. my DH and I can get quite complacent with each other. We work together which can be trying, and makes us grumpy sometimes, but when life gets really serious, we know we will be there for each other and put aside the other stuff until it's alls well again. We actually do worse when things are going OK. We need to work on that part.
Bozoette Mary - 2011-05-20 20:19:15
I'm glad you were there to support her. I'm sure it meant a lot to her!
terri t - 2011-05-20 22:52:40
Sometimes it's the little things that wake one up to realize we only have 1 life to live and our time together is precious. So glad everything turned out well for all of you.
Stephanie - 2011-05-22 10:48:16
Thank you for sharing this treasure with us. I read the entry with a smile on my face and an "awww" in my heart.

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