Tell me all about it, dear...

Joan - 2011-01-08 17:21:30
Thanks for the tip on the baby lotion which I jsut passed on to my 23 year old daughter. She was just complaining that her elbows were splitting and itchy...and that pic cracked me up!
purple chai - 2011-01-08 17:46:50
This will amuse you.
terri t - 2011-01-08 18:52:03
It's always interesting how going back to the old 'tried" and true" methods seem to work the best. I put petroleum jelly on my lips and inside my nostrils too to keep them from drying out. And baby powder after a shower is great along with the baby lotion.
Poolie - 2011-01-09 00:52:35
I had a boss who refused to let us use a mouse when they first came out. We had to keystroke everything. She considered them a "fad." She was one of those self-important ego puffers who make you want to scream!
Bozoette Mary - 2011-01-09 13:07:19
Baby lotion! I'm getting some today! I also find that using St. Ives shea butter and oatmeal body wash helps. Baby lotion will be the icing on the cake.
gbw - 2011-01-09 13:33:15
This winter's weather is especially dry with all the cold and wind - so glad you found your magick potion. Last week the jury duty thing and a huge dose of Murphy kept me from seeing you.... how is this week looking for you?

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