Tell me all about it, dear...

beanie - 2011-01-03 17:12:24
It's just my opinion that the first three years are the key... once they get into school, it's all over for Mom!
JJ - 2011-01-04 01:43:50
Truer words were never spoken...
poundheadhere - 2011-01-04 04:23:18
I always had to work when my kids were little. It wasn't any grand plans for career development, it was being married to an asshole drug addict. If I had it all to do over again - I wouldn't. But the kids survived and so did I. The only one who didn't survive was the asshole drug addict, who died at the ripe old age of 37, a direct result of his self-inflicted stupidity. The kids paid a heavy price; they still turned out reasonably okay. And I get to keep the grandbabies, too. So it's all good in the end, heh.
Stephanie - 2011-01-04 12:26:51
My siblings and I turned out fairly okay without good parental role models, as did you. So why did we bend over backwards to make sure we were nothing like our mothers? Things really do look different in hindsight.
Jim - 2011-01-04 15:14:54
"will be exactly like the 2001-2010 editions" -- Hmmmm, not quite. You really are an awesome person who has overcome so many obstacles (even if at times you must feel like Sisyphus having to push that damned rock uphill over and over again) and you are, indeed, older and wiser.
terri t - 2011-01-04 17:47:36
I think the mother you have been to both of your sons is still going to affect them. Even if they have their own issues; at least you know that you did the best you could. Pat yourself on the back that you were a better parent than you had yourself.
dichroic - 2011-01-05 07:15:26
What Terri said. You can't change who they are, but you can change the environment in which those characteristics are formed. I see it even through the filter of your writing: for instance it sounds like Alex and Wolf have a much better relationship (i.e. there is one) than you had with your sisters. How does Alex treat his wife? Or his students?

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