Tell me all about it, dear...

Anna - 2010-11-12 13:17:23
If you were me and I was my Hazel (from group) I'd be asking you to pick out all the negative statements, including ones about the past, and have you write down the alternative, true points. I know where you're coming from with the size - I was this tall age 11 and have felt like a big ungainly lump ever since, but we're both fucking awesome gorgeous older women and we deserve a bit of space. Love always, dearest xxx
Amy - 2010-11-12 15:20:20
I've experienced that conflict. There is the intellectual understanding that you are a full human being, and therefore possess the same value as every other human being. While at the same time, there is the inability to understand it that your heart. It is a really painful, terrible place to be. You are very much loved, appreciated and wanted, even if it isn't evident 100% of the time.
Stephanie - 2010-11-12 23:57:35
I've never thought about sleeping large or small... Very interesting... And, yes, you ARE wanted and needed and loved!

And you are?
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