Tell me all about it, dear...

Deb - 2010-09-19 00:56:52
Waaaa! I'm not even popular enough to be ostracized by the cool whores. Although I did "unfriend" someone tonight myself but really it was time to move on from him.
alison - 2010-09-19 02:23:27
People often take me by surprise even at my age, the narrow world view and hypocrisy is stunning. I don't like everyone either but live and live dammit.
Rosie - 2010-09-19 08:12:15
I really think what torques you the most is the "Sarah Palin supporter" part!
me - 2010-09-19 08:48:42
snort, what are you, 14?? grow up sweet cheeks, she doesn't like you, deal with it!
OrneryPest - 2010-09-19 10:20:42
Facebook oughta let you designate a negative or positive sign for each friend, and designate the total accordingly. So in your case a negative friend de-friended you so your friend count woulda gone up instead of down.
Stephanie - 2010-09-19 13:09:51
Still up to her old tricks, eh? Good riddance to bad rubbish!
cccerberus - 2010-09-19 14:40:20
Facebook is an interesting sociological study, at best. There is an article in the NYer this week, something like 1 in 14 people on the planet are on it. I made the mistake of "friending" some dubious connection- a disgruntled parent in the school where I work. She uses FB as an outlet to post scathing remarks. My evil sister writes insane things about her husband and kid. It is a weird world, especially one that produces Sarah Palin as a politician. Yikes. Best wishes!
dichroic - 2010-09-19 17:53:14
FUnny, I just read that same plot in a Father Brown story. (Bit of a relief, actually. I hadn't remembered how thoroughly Chesterton gets Christianity just right and everything else totally wrong.)

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