Tell me all about it, dear...

Poolie - 2010-09-04 16:11:03
I left you the most heartfelt comment and Diaryland ate it! Anyway, I was trying to day thank you and to let you know you are welcome in my "living room" anytime!
Rosie - 2010-09-04 16:24:49
That was one of my favorite shows! I wish sometimes that I had cable or satellite so I could watch those over again. I'm glad that the other side of the coin, (psychic abilities) has also come out of the shadows, but I just wish that it was a wee bit further advanced. Wouldn't it be fun to have LA and Rosie's school for budding psychics?
Stephanie - 2010-09-05 11:16:15
The love and support I found through the computer cannot be measured. And I found you, the greatest treasure of all!
Holly - 2010-09-05 19:03:10
I can't imagine not having my net friends
JJ - 2010-09-05 20:53:42
Why don't I remember this show? I even googled it and for the life of me I can't remember it. Maybe it came on the same night that the MONKEES came on? I agree with you and everyone else here. I have met some wonderful, wise and wonderfully weird people on the net. Writing my blog and reading yours and so many others has helped me through many crises.
terri t - 2010-09-06 14:20:05
Thanks for the town mention....and I agree.....computers, Internet and blogging have certainly opened up new forms of friendship for me as well. It is a wonderful way to learn about other ways of thinking... I am constantly amazed at how connected I feel to people I have never met in real life...

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