Tell me all about it, dear...

John in Phoenix - 2010-05-20 19:42:38
Ahh Ms. LA - So sorry about the female stuff that you are dealing with yet again. As a man, I can only imagine the true pain of going through this 'normal' process on a monthly basis, let alone on an 11 day cycle. Yikes ! My Mom and 2 sisters always cycled together and I recall how difficult is was to watch them laying in bed, moaning in pain from the cramping. The red tide is certainly something that deserves the name " The Red curse". On a different note, I too witnessed a motorcyclist die in an accident, litterally. New years ever, 1986. A big 1972 Pontiac Bonneville pulled out in front of me from a bar parking lot at 12:40AM and cut me off, then that car turned left in front of an oncoming motorcycle at a stoplight, hitting the motorcycle, running over the cycle driver (AWFUL !) and then continuing on his way with the motorcycle stuck under the front end of his car. I had a bigger Buick and I pulled around in front of the Pontiac and slowed down to the point where I connected with the Pontiac and hit my brakes forcing the bastard to stop with a still-smoking motorcycle under the front end of his car. The cyclist had just left a church-sponsered New Years eve party minutes before and was pronounced DOA. In the end the Pontiac driver went to jail for involuntary man slaughter for all of 2 years...I in turn got a stupid award from the city of Tucson as a good citizen. I will never forget the sound of the impact when that poor young 19 year old man was hit on his motorcycle. That damn hit-and-run driver was also onhis 3rd DUI. Can you imagine how angry I was at seeing him get off damn near scott-free? GRRRRRR. Sorry to take up so much space, but I thought this might be relevant to your entry. And so it goes... - John in Phoenix
Stephanie - 2010-05-20 21:02:44
That experience sounds horrific. Coming upon obviously fatal accidents does a job with my head (and heart) for a long time...
dichroic - 2010-05-21 06:34:10
Maybe you should send her to the Uniform Project webpage - that's the one where a woman wore the same dress (well, 7 identical ones) for 365 days, just changing the accessories and the layers she wore it with.
Amy - 2010-05-21 15:18:41
Wow, I'm so sorry that you had to witness something so gruesome. No one should have to see something like that. I hope you feel better soon. Also, yay for cheap, pretty things. It's great when something so simple can make the day seem a little brighter.
terri t - 2010-05-21 17:25:19
It's always such a shock to see those terrible accidents....and so sad. As for the flash of fashion...I bet you do look like the accessory queen when you are out and about. Congrats on the new flip flops...they sound great.

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