Tell me all about it, dear...

Stephanie - 2010-04-30 15:59:39
Very interesting... It's sort of the opposite for me. I tend to clam up and be satisfied with my role as "The Listener" becaujse I am NOT okay with myself... I'm very happy for you, and can't wait to park it on a shady bench somewhere and yammer to our heart's content!
terri t - 2010-04-30 16:48:34
I would never want to shut you have such style of makes me smile....or cry...depending on the theme of the day. I am usually the listener in our group but I have my moments when my mouth opens and all sorts of stuff falls out! I would love to be one of the little creatures sitting quietly by that bench when you get your gab on with your friend....
John in Phoenix - 2010-05-01 00:56:06
What a marvelous way with words you have my dear. It's always nice to drop in to your place on the Net and catch up with all that is La. As for this particular entry, I am surprised that you don't still partake of the 'herb'. It is the one thing that I will always allow for myself because like you it takes away the pain and let's me be peaceful for a spell. Perhaps it's time that you planted your own herbage and go back to letting the bullshit of life drift away for a bit. John in Phoenix
Poolie - 2010-05-01 01:25:33
Every time I shut up and choose to listen people freak the hell out and think I am being moody. I am the LEAST moody person on the planet. Sometimes, I just don't have much to say. There are certain people I know who rarely hear me speak. I just listen when in their presence, so they think it's normal. I find myself talking less and less as I get older. I would rather wander the garden with my iPhone.
cccerberus - 2010-05-01 01:47:11
On a similar cosmic wavelength, today I just heard an expression they use in Guatemala that I liked. They say to someone who just never shuts up- "Quiet! Shut up! La Trumpe!" to someone who bellows on and on like a trumpet. Yeah, I never spoke as a teenager at all so marijuana just paralyzed me in paranoia. No fun at all.
Stephanie - 2010-05-01 11:20:06
In reference to the comment: "marijuana just paralyzed me in paranoia" - it had the same effect on me!

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