Tell me all about it, dear...

Joan - 2010-04-27 13:07:57
OMG! So scary about renovations vs. the kids. Those kids who need help, NEED HELP!!!!!
Amy - 2010-04-27 14:06:32
Maybe it's all the reiki I've been doing lately, but I'm wondering if maybe it's your energy level (ki wise) is just generally low. I'm far from being an expert on that, of course. As for turning the conversation away from yourself, I do the same thing. I'd much rather talk about other people than myself, and I find that it's pretty easy because most people would rather talk about themselves.
Stephanie - 2010-04-27 16:58:24
My God, the situation at Mick's District sounds even worse than ours.
terri t - 2010-04-27 17:24:10
We have the same idiots working in our area's school sytems too. It's all about the athletics....nothing for the arts or the sciences or pulling for the girls or the special ed. students. Wonder how well those high school athletics will be running our country in a few years...It's scary!
Anna - 2010-04-27 19:32:47
Sometimes I wish I lived next door to you xxx

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