Tell me all about it, dear...

Stephanie - 2010-04-21 16:52:55
What killed me the most was working a full-time job outside the home and STILL it was expected that I should bust my ass with the housework because my job wasn't as physically demanding as my ex-husband's. Chronic pain wasn't figured into the equation at all.
Anna - 2010-04-21 17:11:31
It makes a HUGE difference and I love you too, dearest LA xx
bathtubmary - 2010-04-21 19:28:06
thank you for all the mama advice - i never even thought of how the time in the womb would affect the sleeping! we'll see what we get when we get it i guess... xoxo, d
Pam L - 2010-04-21 23:28:04
I live the same life, all except for the writing part. Not writing for hire anyway. I write letters to customers, memos, and tons and tons of invoices, staements etc. but there is not much room for witty prose in there. But 24/7, yes, starting my work day in my jammies, yes. It was a very hard transition from working outside to this, but I do not miss the hustling around trying to get it all done and then having to do all of it at home too. But, I also can't imagine going out there again. I have no idea what I would do, and I would truly miss the taking a break in my gardens whenever I can part, especially this time of year and the fall. And being here, or there, for my kids any time of the day or night, has been the best too.
Joan - 2010-04-22 01:09:42
Of course the grass is always greener, but on some mornings when I walk into that hermetically sealed building and know that I inhale fresh air again until 5:00, all I want to do is quit work ande go home to hang a load of wash on the line.
Poolie - 2010-04-22 03:49:02
I was free-lance as a musician for 17 years, and I loved it. But it takes mountains of discipline. I miss it. Desperately sometimes.
gbw - 2010-04-22 11:01:01
Mmmm, self-employment looks good, as you say, from the other side. The fact that one can never ever go home from work when work is at home can be a real pain in the patootie. (Raises coffee cup in deep agreement)
Pam L - 2010-04-22 12:43:57
I remember when I was still working outside that going to work was like a break compared to being at home with my little guy even on a busy day. Although I love being a Mom it was physically and mentally exhausting on top of the job and there were days I just wanted someone not to need something from me for maybe an hour, or two.
terri t - 2010-04-22 18:37:32
I've been on both sides too...lots of advantages to each and some disadvantages as well. I guess if you can enjoy where you are most of the time; you are in the right place.
poundheadhere - 2010-04-24 17:22:29
The only reason I'd want to be self-employed is the fact that I could sleep on my own schedule. I know it's hard because I write now and already do the things you mentioned, looking for the next story in every tiny detail of my day. I'd still love to turn my writing into a real income so I could walk away from the "daily grind."

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