Tell me all about it, dear...

Stephanie - 2010-04-04 17:19:45
Hurray! You finally got your Bathtub Mary! I'm so excited for you! By the way, I, too, love the idea of magical beings who leave goodies. Wish I knew how to send them my address...
Poolie - 2010-04-04 17:30:42
Your own Bathtub Mary! Your Own Lady of the Lilacs! How wonderful!
Thea - 2010-04-04 19:13:00
So, I still somewhat firmly believe in the easter bunny. Here's my story: one year, my dad had planted seedling grass in the front yard, and by easter it was still too young to be stepped on, so my parents suggested I wrote a note to the bunny asking it to please hide the eggs in the back yard this year. I left the note out with my basket, and the next morning, I went out, and sure enough, the eggs were hidden in the back yard. But! The note was torn up and scattered in pieces all over the back yard as well. The easter bunny had complied, but boy was he pissed about changing his routine. Clearly, neither of my parents would have littered the yard with the note. It must be the real deal.
Rosie - 2010-04-04 19:15:05
OK, I admit to being vaguely surprised that they even HAVE Bathtub Mary grottoes out there in your neck of the woods. Out here, durn near every one of my neighbors has one, to the extent that I rarely notice them any more.

But hooray for you, and let's hear it for Mick who actually listened!
Bozoette Mary - 2010-04-05 00:20:52
Mary of the Circus knows too! There was a Bathtub Mary in the back of our yard when I was growing up; we used to have our own wee May processions to crown her with flowers.
Joan-Beyondpanicsometimes - 2010-04-05 02:00:04
I too have a Mary statue in my yard, but just the statue - not "Mary in the Half shell" as we call it in my neighborhood!
poundheadhere - 2010-04-05 04:40:05
Congratulations on your brand new bathtub grotto. I don't know whether I entirely agree on the real/imaginary line, but I respect your right to believe it. I'm not Catholic. I simply believe that too often we dismiss anything we can't directly explain and chalk it up to imagination.
btm - 2010-04-05 14:43:00
awesome! heh. happy belated easter. xoxo, d
terri t - 2010-04-05 15:40:08
I'm happy that both you and Wolf got something to believe in this Easter. I expect that Mary is be quite happy in the garden.... and does Wolf SHARE his Easter candy bounty?
Mountain - 2010-04-05 22:38:25
Yay! I know you've always wanted one of those thingies! Go you!

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