Tell me all about it, dear...

cccerberus - 2010-03-05 14:15:09
yes, what is up with the stupid make up job on johnny depp? that is so not mad hatter OR johnny depp. i am a tenniel fan.... do not have any desire to see Alice ruined.
Amy - 2010-03-05 15:22:16
I'm glad that you're still having fun with dance class, feeding the birds, being tall, eating sushi, making good food at home and all the other wonderful things that make you, you.
Poolie - 2010-03-05 15:36:45
It's my Johnny so I will go see it. I have a photo of him as Captain Jack tucked in my wallet so I can refer to that if things get too awful.
beanie - 2010-03-05 15:40:38
I used to keep the squirrels out of the bird food, but I would find a big pine cone, cover it with peanut butter, and roll it in bird seed to hang in a tree for the squirrels. At least they got something!
Pam L - 2010-03-05 15:46:45
I don't care if the squirrels eat either. In fact it is rather entertaining to see how they get to the feeder as it is on a shepherd's hook. They have to leap from the wall , balance on the hook and make their way down to the food without rocking the whole thing so much they can't hang on. They are actually pretty smart, much smarter than the dumb prairie dog who was stuck in my window well for almost 2 days because he couldn't figure out how to get out with the methods I provided. A squirrel would have been there for maybe 2 minutes, and it's a deep window well. I also don't get upset about the hawks that make a meal of the sparrows or even blackbirds from time to time, it's all part of the food chain and we can't all be at the top.
terri t - 2010-03-05 19:35:41
We empty the feed trays into the backyard for the squirrels and ducks but they still want to do the cirque da soleil on the bird feeders in the front yard. Husband just went out today and moved the feeders AGAIN hoping to keep the squirrels from leaping tall buildings in a single bound to land in the feed trays...
Stephanie - 2010-03-05 21:13:08
I thought of Depp's Wonka when I saw the ads for Alice... I'll be curious to hear what you think of the movie. As for waltzing - that's a dance I'd love to learn!
gbw - 2010-03-05 22:16:27
There will be no keeping A. out of the theater for JD as the hatter no matter what! We are hugely jealous of your outing even thougth we both hate that mall.... don't spoil it though we plan to catch a 3D in NP... AND, the pixels are not as kind as you think, you beautiful wench! {{{smooch}}}
OrneryPest - 2010-03-06 11:19:19
Full length mirrors on only 3 sides! What a rip-off! Why not all four sides?
Jim - 2010-03-06 13:35:40
Going out for Japanese food is a great treat. What about Indian food? I can put together a passable curry at home, but there is nothing like going to an Indian restaurant with lots of tasty appetizers (and maybe some onion bhaji) and Chicken Tikka Masala and naan bread and...
bluesleepy - 2010-03-06 16:30:39
Ohhh yes, Indian food. NOM NOM. I like anything ethnic, really I do, and I have so many cookbooks that give the recipe. But nothing tastes as good as going out, having it served to you, and spending time talking at the table while it's cooking instead of me being in the kitchen by myself while the kids run rampant around the house. It's a social thing, yes? I have always wanted to go to a conveyor-belt sushi place. Can I come visit??
Pam L - 2010-03-07 02:17:01
Paul, my 17 yr old, saw the Imax 3D version last night. He said the special effects were great but the story line was weak, that they could have done more with it than they did. We probably won't see it until it makes it to Netflix.

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