Tell me all about it, dear...

Michelle - 2010-02-18 13:55:15
I personally think you have a LOT of "somethings" going for ya, lady. :) *hug*
sjat - 2010-02-18 14:23:24
Michelle's got a point there. Hugs from across the pond too. And rest assured that I'm 37 years old and when confronted with some of the Wii games we have stacked up, all I can do is stare in horror at the manual and then 'whirling dervish' for two minutes until I've lost the game.
stepfordtart - 2010-02-18 19:30:55
It was the washing machine! I didnt realise it was going until I played the film back. I am an idiot. Mercifully my kids dont have computer games or I would surely suck at them too! s x
Stephanie - 2010-02-18 21:12:04
Devil's Spit hot sauce?? Is that really the name? I love it!
dichroic - 2010-02-19 10:45:58
I haven't figured out why, but kosher and sea salt taste better to me than regular. We buy the salt at Costco in its own little grinder, so that's what I use in all cooking, even down to popcorn. (The only exception would be if I were baking something that needed a measured amount. My normal cooking is definitely the "throw it all in and let the flavors sort it out" variety.) We got home this afternoon. Ted is currently sorting through something like 2700 photos (!)
Amy - 2010-02-19 18:02:51
I'm totally with you about ballet. Doing the movements is one thing. Doing the movements in such a way that make them look effortless and pretty add a completely new level to the activity.
terri t - 2010-02-19 18:58:19
Yes, it seems these days that children come out of the womb knowing how to navigate through the computers and Wii games.....I remember when I was about 5 knowing how to operate the new tv that my parents had purchased....but I think kids have less in their brains so they have more room for all these new fangled things....LOL Chicken sounded great btw.

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