Tell me all about it, dear...

Kim - 2009-12-10 18:03:20
Oh advice on templates, other than the advice of keep the journaling platform you like!! I'd have stayed on diary-X had it not crashed n' burned, and blogger is a slender substitute, but I'm used to it now. Glad to see you, this is a shitty time of year, so hang in there. xoxo
Kourtney - 2009-12-10 18:13:22
No advice on the templates, and sorry that things are awful, but so glad to see you back.
Katherine - 2009-12-10 18:16:22
I'll help with the template--I'm not great but I'm better than nothing (and you'll get a better offer any minute anyway). So glad you're back. Hell is LA in red on your buddy list and no password. Just one version of hell, but a bad one all the same.
Hulda - 2009-12-10 18:37:01
Well, that sucks, I'm sorry but not surprised to hear that people are idiots. I don't know html but I do hope you'll continue writing, I do love reading you, even if it often means having to look a word up, or two ;)
purple chai - 2009-12-10 18:44:34
Just happy to see you again.
Cat - 2009-12-10 19:10:22
I'm with purple. If your template remains blank, all is good if the print shows.
terri t - 2009-12-10 20:15:59
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad you are back....Sorry about the loss of the template....I know you will get someone who can fix it for you. Just glad you are over those idiots who crossed your path and are ready to give us your words of wisdom.... Welcome home again!
Poolie - 2009-12-10 20:31:12
I would be happy to give it a shot. All I would need to see is a copy of your coding to start with. Not sure if we can restore the original goddess image, but we could find something close. Let me know.
Rosie - 2009-12-10 22:19:02
Do you know who the original artist was for the Goddess picture? We can try to find her again, and then everything else can be restored to near new again. I'll be glad to help in any way I can!
gbw - 2009-12-10 22:29:00
I can fix it if you can find the pic you want to use. HTML is a piece O' cake compared to CSS so being able to play with someone elses HTML sounds like fun (was that suggestive or what!!??). Lemme know if you want your own personal HTML minion to come on by and tickle your code.
Tempewytch - 2009-12-10 22:33:39
Hope someone can help you! I am in the mere "dip your toe in" stage of learning HTML so can't help .... sorry! Smashing to hear something from you again though!
Prolifique - 2009-12-11 00:19:18
Please check your hotmail, beautiful lady.
alison - 2009-12-11 00:38:12
Looks like you have HTML help, I'm a novice so I couldn't offer much help anyway. I'm happy to have you back, so few of my favorites still post anymore (not that I'm prolific or anything). You are always a pleasure to read. Thank you.
Deb - 2009-12-11 01:22:01
Hey sweetie! Not sure if it was the latest pic or not but there is one from your diary's past on it's way to you via email from me. If you don't see it soonest - let me know and we'll work out a better transfer.
Amy - 2009-12-11 03:30:53
Well, I'm glad to see you back, and I'm so very, very sorry about things being bad now online and off. I hope they improve soon. Obviously, you're welcome to any help I can give, HTML-wise or otherwise.
Paula G from Indiana - 2009-12-11 03:34:15
LA- you don't know how happy I am to see you back. When I clicked on you, and got the password thingie, I wondered what had happened. I lost your email when my puter crashed and I was going to ask Poolie to email you for me, but I noticed in one of her comments that you said you had quit. I HAVE MISSED YOU!!!!!! Having said that, I am very sorry for the bastards that got you down, and I'm very sorry about your template.
Janice - 2009-12-11 05:03:19
I'm happy to see you back. You were missed!
John in Phoenix - 2009-12-11 05:03:31
Well dammit to Hell anyway. Why do people feel the need to screw with other's lives on the internet? Same thing happened to TranceJen about a year ago. You may want to communicate with her about what she did to fix the problem. Thank you for coming back online to let us know what happened. Someone that reads your diary will know what to do to help you out. Doesn't Andrew still run Diaryland and can't he help in this case? Best of luck sweetie...I've missed you ! - John in Phoenix
Stephanie - 2009-12-12 12:29:18
A friend of mine was just unceremoniously discharged from the military (after serving a couple of years in Afghanistan and Iraq) because some nosy busybodies found his blog which featured a photo of him - GASP - kissing his boyfriend. Thanks to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," he was given the boot. Mean people DO suck.
Cran - 2009-12-14 19:14:30
Suck is accurate, but too polite. There are vicious, destructive monsters out there. Inexplicable. The important thing is to remember that they are really a lesser species. And to enjoy the Christmas season.
Pam L - 2009-12-15 00:15:59
Hey!! I finally checked back to see if I was locked out for good and found this! So now I won't take it personally . Sorry to hear some #%$@!&* s! tried to ruin it for you, and all of us too, and glad you're back.

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