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Gift from Hil Part 2 - 2014-12-30
A Gift from Hil - 2014-12-28
There was A LOT of turkey. - 2014-12-04
Can we just jump to January please? - 2014-11-14
A (don't kick the) Bucket List - 2014-10-28

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8:49 p.m. - 2010-11-04
The Murphy's Oil Soap Remedy

Wow, did I get slammed. Feh, it happens.

Anyway, I'm going to take a bit of time to get my thoughts in line and do what I gotta to get my perspective back.

Right now I've got the dining room emptied and have been working on the floor in anticipation of putting down the new rug I bought the other day. I still like the old one very much but the pets have done a number on it and it stinks to high heaven. The rug is worth having cleaned but crazily enough a replacement rug was cheaper than the cleaning. So for the time-being the new rug goes down and the old one gets rolled with some cedar discs and stored in the cellar until spring when cleaning is more feasible budget-wise.

It may sound goofy but washing and polishing the floor is soothing. I've been doing a thorough job of it. On all fours, the only way I know how to get a floor really clean. I did use the Shark on it, the steam helped get the residual pet mess smell out of the varnish, but mostly it's been on hands and knees swishing the cloth over that shiny honey-colored wood. Washing, rinsing, drying, polishing. Order and sanity from chaos.

I've always thought of myself as a Rhoda type- smart-mouthed, a loser with men but finding the funny about it, funky rather than elegant, definitely had Rhoda's mother problem, and always coming in as an also-ran against the smooth graceful femme Mary Richards of the world. But MTM and I have one thing in common- we clean when upset. I remember one episode when Mary was having a crisis of some kind and Rhoda finds her tidying her closet. Rhoda, who was a cry, watch sappy movies and eat ice cream sort, was mystified by Mary's compulsive scarf folding. She asked what the deal was and Mary admitted that she always cleaned and organized when she was torqued. As a child Mary's mother would turn her loose in a room in need of tidying when Mary was having a problem at school.

I must have seen that episode a dozen times over the years and it always makes me laugh out loud with recognition. I'm a scarf folder too.

I'm not recanting. People are shit, for the most part. Our country is shittier still. Gullible, hateful, mean, and ignorant. Whatever exceptionalism and progress we once had is long gone. Ignoranties and fools, the whole lot of us. No doubt in another ten years the Museum of Natural History will be torn down and replaced by some asinine Creationist dealie with tableaus of Fred and Wilma Flintstone going out for bronto-burgers and 'proof' the Earth is only 8,000 years old.

I'm sure when they start burning witches again I'll be one of the first to go.

In the meantime I'll be here, polishing floors, scrubbing my oven and folding scarves. ~LA

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